These books are used in my 12-week Mining The Diamond In You Program in County Jails.

What people are saying about the

Diamond Series

  • Should these books be taught to others in county jails and prisons?

    "Yes, and it puts the rest of your life in perspective. It will let you know that you are here for a purpose."

  • Did these books help you understand yourself and provide you with the tools to transform your life?

    "Yes, it has taught me how to believe in myself and to know that I can change and that my life can and will be better if I do what I have learned in class."

  • What chapters from "Refining The Diamond In You Study Guide" had the most impact on your life, and why?

    Chapter 6: I have been healing myself because I was on a road of destruction, and now I plan on finding my purpose.

    Chapter 8: In order to change, I have to do so mentally first, before I transform my actions.

  • What have you learned about the enemy to your progress?

    That I was my worst enemy, but not anymore. I do feel that now my life is priceless.

This book is a glimpse of one man’s ascent from the pit of crime and drug addiction to stand in the light of redemption and transformation.  Mining The Diamond In You is what each person on earth must do to live their best life, and reach their full potential.

Mining The Diamond In You

"Gary’s journey of transformation is incredible. What makes this book so empowering is that he provides hope to those incarcerated and their families. A must read!"

Simon Osamoh-Author, Podcaster & Safety Expert

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Refining The Diamond In You Study Guide is a no-nonsense approach to changing your life. It is for the serious student of life that is willing to put in the hard work of looking clearly at themselves and facing some unpleasant truths.  Becoming a student of yourself will allow you to transform your life and tap into everything within you.

Refining The Diamond In You (Study Guide)

"It is motivational to those who think they have failed, have no hope, or doubt the ability to change. It teaches how to overcome your struggles and turn them into success."

Graduate of Mining The Diamond in You Program
-Lancaster County Jail

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